Commercial Alarms

Stores are places of business where the tools of trade and investments reside. Such places are prone to threats and attacks during off-hours. Miscreants and mischief-makers usually strike such places of business at night and off-hours while everyone rests. Elaborate security measures usually are beyond the scope of such places. At the same time leaving them unprotected is waiting for disaster to strike.

Our alarm systems cater to establishments of all sizes, from simple grocery stores to multi-storied electronic showrooms. We assess your business and provide security solutions so that your business remains protected even while you are away.

Alarm Systems That Fit your Need and Budget

We put together alarm systems that suit all commercial establishments irrespective of their scale. We believe that security solutions must be available for all.

DSC Panel

Honeywell Panel

Paradox Panel

GE Panel

Keep Away Threats at All Times

During business hours, safety and security are ensured by the employees at the store. In businesses, threats and dangers strike during the night when nobody is around. Putting in place security measures and alarms ensures that your place of business is protected round the clock.

An alarm system can deter miscreants and thieves from carrying on with their actions.


Alarms Systems Tailored for Your Business

Not all businesses are the same so are the threats that affect them. Alarm systems come in various forms. Depending on the business and the store environment, alarm systems can be deployed to mitigate threats and avoid danger. With the tools available in safety and security, we set up alarm systems that fit your business.

Safety and security can be instated for your business without breaking the bank.

We would love to hear from you

Contact us through any of the below channels and let us know your needs

1015 Matheson Blvd., Unit 9 Mississauga, ON Canada L4W 3A4

    Call us for a free quote

    Talk to us and get an estimate for your security projects.